COMTAY coroutine manager implements coroutines for Delphi and Free Pascal.
See the
example for Delphi and Free Pascal.
The COMTAY package contains several example projects for Delphi and Lazarus to help you get started with coroutines.
A new version of COMTAY has been released. It contains fixes for compatibility with the Delphi 12 compiler.
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The latest stable release is COMTAY_5.0.3
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COMTAY is free software; you can use it or redistribute under the terms of the End-User License Agreement.
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Basic info
COMTAY manages coroutines in both procedural and class-based programming.
Using COMTAY, a procedure or method can easily be converted to a coroutine.
With the COMTAY you can use specific features such as exceptions.
COMTAY runs on 32-bit and 64-bit platforms, on Windows and Linux.
Since the COMTAY implements the cooperative multitasking in form of fulstack asymmetric coroutines, the programmer can apply a maximum of algorithmic ideas.
In addition, COMTAY provides an "orphan task adoption" approach that increases algorithmic capabilities.
Coroutine manager is the core of the OpenSIMPLY simulation software for Object Pascal.
So, COMTAY was originally developed to match Delphi and Free Pascal.
But since COMTAY is a software that can be used as a standalone product, I decided to make it more universal for compatibility with other programming languages.
COMTAY currently supports calling conventions for Delphi, Free Pascal, MS Visual C++, and GNU C++. The COMTAY package contains several example projects for MS Visual C++, and GNU C++.
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